Call: (602)-345-0090| Address: 16025 N 76th St. Scottsdale AZ 85260 | By Appointment Only: Mon-Fri: 9am-5pm

Address: 16025 N 76th St. Scottsdale AZ 85260

By Appointment Only: Mon-Fri: 9am-5pm

Certified PPF Installers & Tinting Experts 

ceramic coating services near paradise valley

You can weatherproof your car with the installation of high performance ceramic coating. Our licensed and insured specialists use quality brands to complete your ceramic coating needs in Scottsdale, AZ. What is ceramic coating? Ceramic coating is applied over your factory paint to provide an additional layer of protection & appeal to your vehicles exterior appearance (also see PPF services). The liquid coating is applied like a gel and is self-cured to form a hard protective shell. You won't need to wash your vehicle as often, and the natural hydrophobic surface will help prevent against external damages like hard water, chemicals, UV rays and acidic materials. Why do people choose ceramic coating? Because of its durability and long-lasting protection! Our ceramic coating can be applied to any vehicle, and will provide years of protection.We can also apply ceramic coating to PPF surfaces, glass, and vinyl wraps!

Give us a call today or fill out our form below and an associate will get in contact with you shortly. 602-345-0090

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Please fill out the form below and one of our associates will be in touch with you shortly. For urgent questions and concerns, please call use at 602-345-0090